About Us
Join Us on Our Quest
You know the character in a work of fiction whose sole purpose is to explain the plot for the viewer’s benefit? The proverbial “Old Man in the Cave,” warning you that it’s dangerous to go alone? An NPC who exists for the explicit purpose of dropping page after page of exposition that nobody asked for?
Consider this page the Action Fiction equivalent.

What is Action Fiction?
If you ask Wikipedia, action fiction is “a form of genre fiction whose subject matter is characterized by emphasis on exciting and suspenseful scenarios.” If you ask us, action fiction is what we do every time we sit down to play board games and tabletop role-playing games with our friends. We tell exciting stories together, we fight off the big bad evil thing, we collect all the treasure and loot, and we save the day.
What Does Action Fiction Do?
Our goal is to create games, settings, items, creatures, and entire worlds that bring our flavor of fun to your game table, and to do it in a way that’s respectful, inclusive, clever, and imaginative. We love to tell stories with our publications, and we make games for the kind of gamer who loves a tall tale and a good laugh.
In 2020, we published Monsters of Murka, a high-fantasy parody of the United States, playable as a fifth edition campaign setting. This setting was funded on Kickstarter in 2019 thanks to 229 amazing backers, who helped us to raise over $16,000! Its second expansion, Monsters of Murka: Restaurants & Retail, went to Kickstarter in September 2020 and raised over $82,000!
Kickstarter Success
Patreon and Other Games
With our Patreon, we’re announcing our development of two more independent board games: Toys Are We and Goblin Cave. You can also keep track of our progress via our Discord community. Follow along for updates, or donate to us to help us turn our high-concept dreams into reality!