Your Destination for Unique, Entertaining TTRPGs and Original Board Games
Our purpose for existing at Action Fiction is to create quality games – designing characters, creatures, items, and entire worlds that are inclusive, innovative, easy to understand, funny, and fun.
Our Games
There are some major, major differences between all of the games we’ve created, but all of them maintain the irreverent tone and diverse appeal that we’ve made a high priority. In our line-up, you can expect rich fantasy settings, copious cultural references, and a gameplay experience you won’t find anywhere else. Our offerings include:

Monsters of Murka
Our flagship game, a playable parody of the U.S. and its culture using fifth edition rules. Monsters of Murka reimagines the U.S. as a high-fantasy landscape filled with meme-worthy monsters, comical character classes, and a never-ending onslaught of laugh-inducing spells and items.
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Goblin Cave
A team-based hero battler remniscent of MOBA games, played as a board game, featuring strategic, card-based combat driven by unique character abilities and player decisions. Goblin Cave pits a squad of relic-seeking humanoid adventurers against a group of goblins trying to protect their home, each side with a list of available characters that come with their own unique sets of abilities, backstories, and motivations.
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Cthulhu Dreamt
A Sci-Fi TTRPG set in the near future. What happens to our world after Cthulhu awakens? Using an original RPG system designed by Adam Baffoni, players will traverse the globe, searching for a way to stop the Great Old One from tearing humanity asunder.
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Who We Are
At Action Fiction, we’ve got an incredible team of folks from all around the world and with all different kinds of backgrounds, all working together to create games like no other. We’re committed to cleverness, inclusiveness, and distinctiveness, taking ideas with the most unusual inspirations and turning them into reality. We started out as a company by publishing Monsters of Murka, and we’ve been working our green, scaly tails off since then to introduce new players to the tabletop RPG world, to give veteran TTRPG players a brand new experience, and to create all-new board games with original designs and an emphasis on fun.